Ever thought what it really takes for your potential home care clients to reach you?

If not, think about it…

Before they get on a call with you, there are several micro-steps that they have already taken just to get to you.

  • They had their aging parent or grandparent admitted to the hospital and then rehab center.
  • A discharge planner or possibly a social worker referred them to you, or
  • They clicked on your Facebook or Google Adwords ad.
  • They checked your website.
  • They filled out the form on your website sharing details of their care needs.
  • They shared their contact address.
  • They ANSWERED (probably apprehensively) when you called them, or
  • They called you hoping the person who answered the call would be nice and knowledgeable.

For you, it might be the first time that you will talk to them…

…yet the whole journey which led them to you plus, the challenges which they have already encountered,have taken longer…

One thing many home care agency owners forget is that it’s easy not to take the perspective of a potential client in to consideration.


As home care agency owners, you rely on NUMBERS to help you track down the growth of your business, right?

You can easily access all your business-related data on a spreadsheet.

Your business is entirely represented in figures, percentages, and numbers.

However, you never really look at the NAMES mentioned on a spreadsheet… Do you?

You do not see faces, pictures, or stories, nor do you do see the several steps which the person you are about to talk over the phone has taken to actually reach you.

So…what do you think about why these potential customers put in so much effort to get in touch with you?


They are real people with a real problem.

They are seeking a solution to their dilemma.

They cannot overcome their struggles alone.

They are worried, apprehensive, and fearful

  • …but your words have shown them a ray of HOPE…
  • …HOPE suggesting that they can have a better tomorrow.

That is why they’ve gone to such great lengths just to talk to you.

REMEMBER, behind every phone number, ad click, or an email address which you have collected, there’s a real person who perhaps prays every night that they find someone like you to help solve their problem.

If there is a section of people, seniors and their families, with a problem that you can help solve…but they cannot find you…just because you aren’t good at marketing your home care business and getting your message across, book a call with our experts at https://homecareonlinemarketing.com/

We can discuss how a slight change in your marketing strategy can help you reach out to hundreds and thousands of people who need you. Plus, most of all, you can begin to have the impact that you always wanted to have in the world.