Your Chance to Motivate Millennials to Step Up!
An estimated 5.5 million seniors in America are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a number expected to go up as high as 16 million by 2050. As the number of seniors living with the disease increases, so does the need for skilled professional and family caregivers. On this World Alzheimer’s Day, Sept. 21, let’s take a pledge to raise awareness about this harrowing condition and work together to fight it.
Millennials: The New Generation of Caregivers
According to a recent report by the National Alliance of Caregiving and the AARP Public Policy Institute, millennials now make up nearly a quarter of the approximately 44 million caregivers in the US and that number is growing.
Millennials (born between 1981 and 1997) is officially the largest generational group in the United States workforce. While it is not necessarily fair to lump this entire generation into one cohesive personality, there are some predominant characteristics, such as being highly tech-savvy and flexible, which make them the best saviors in the current full-blown caregiver crisis. It’s no wonder that home care agencies are always striving to attract and retain millennial caregivers.
Currently, millennials constitute 25% of family caregivers in the United States, and this percentage caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease must skyrocket to address the shrinking caregiver base. The ratio of caregivers to Alzheimer’s patients is expected to shrink from 7:1 to 3:1 by 2050, clearly implying that millennials may be required to take on additional caring responsibilities, such as looking after aging parents, grandparents or both. It’s no wonder that we must be armed with all the information required to effectively care for seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease – and what better day to begin than ‘World Alzheimer’s Day’!
September is World Alzheimer’s Month; Join the Cause!
September is World Alzheimer’s Month, a global campaign for dementia awareness led by Alzheimer’s disease International (ADI) and Alzheimer’s associations worldwide. ADI coordinates World Alzheimer’s Day, September 21, through organizations across the globe to focus on raising awareness and challenging the stigma associated with the disease.
Here’s what home care agencies can do to participate in World Alzheimer’s Month, while encouraging participation from Millennials:
There are endless ideas to go purple. As a home care agency, share some with your home care prospects as well as existing clients. Motivate them to:
- Wear Purple on World Alzheimer’s Day, Sept. 21.
- Integrity
- Compassion
- Consistency
- Quality Training
Be A Motivator, Encourage People to Take the Pledge:
Motivate your home care prospects to take the pledge, commit to raising awareness, learn the facts about Alzheimer’s disease, and spread the word through social media channels.
Organize the Longest Day:
Motivate your home care prospects to take the pledge, commit to raising awareness, learn the facts about Alzheimer’s disease, and spread the word through social media channels.
Invite People to Participate in Free Live Training Webinars:
Offer a free live training webinar to educate people about Alzheimer’s and to help them understand the behaviors associated with the disease. Not only will the online sessions help them better respond to the needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s, but will also improve your brand reputation.
These small steps can go a long way in helping you make a difference in the life of seniors with Alzheimer’s.